Pre-Christmas Calendar: Get ready for Christmas

Pre-Christmas Calendar: How to‌ Prepare for ‍the ⁢Holidays

As Christmas​ approaches, ⁣there are many​ tasks to accomplish in order to avoid last-minute stress. Creating a pre-Christmas calendar can help you stay organized and enjoy the ⁢holiday season ⁤without feeling overwhelmed.

Key ⁣Dates in ‍the Pre-Christmas Calendar

It’s essential to be ​flexible with your pre-Christmas calendar. The key is to organize,⁣ prepare, and most importantly, stick to it. While Christmas is still a​ while⁤ away, time flies by quickly, so it’s time to get started.

Mid-November:⁢ Time ⁢to Start Thinking About Gifts

Gifts ⁤can‍ be a major source of stress during the⁤ holidays. It’s ideal to start thinking about them and research the preferences of your loved ones ahead of time. Not ‍only does​ this help avoid last-minute shopping crowds, but it also allows you to take advantage of great deals, especially during ​events⁤ like ⁤Black Friday.

Westwing Gift Ideas for the Holidays

End of November: Arrange Family Celebrations

Once the gift dilemma is solved, it’s ​time to focus on ⁤planning the meals for the⁤ special ⁤days. Finalize the guest list⁢ early to prepare the menu in advance and potentially save money by purchasing ingredients ahead of ​time to​ avoid last-minute expenses.

Late November-December: Plan Your Decorations in the Calendar

Many people use the ‍long ⁢December weekend to decorate their homes for Christmas. Before diving ⁢into decoration, make sure⁣ to dust off and inspect your holiday decorations for any damage or outdated items. Plan the decoration ‌theme according to current trends and make a list of any additional items ⁢needed⁢ for purchase ⁣in‌ early December.

December Bridge: Decorating ⁤Time in⁢ Your Pre-Christmas‌ Calendar

Whether you have everything you need or need to ​pick up a few things, ⁤the ‌December‌ bridge is a perfect time to decorate your home at a leisurely pace. Enjoy quality ‌time with your family, especially the little ones, by involving them in creating homemade ornaments to⁤ add a ⁢personal touch to your decorations.

Mid-December: Setting the Table

Set the ⁣stage for your festive ⁢meals by bringing out⁢ the special table ‍linens, dishes, glassware, and silverware. Check ⁢their condition and plan the ⁢table decoration ‍to have everything ready when the time comes.

Just Before the Christmas Rush: Cleaning

Cleaning is the final task on the pre-Christmas calendar. Ensure your home is spotless​ for ​guests or ‌to simply enjoy a clean space during the holidays. Take a couple of days before Christmas Eve to deep clean your home, allowing you to relax and avoid post-holiday ‍cleaning chaos. If⁣ time is limited, consider hiring a professional cleaning service.

Adapt this pre-Christmas calendar to fit your⁣ daily routine, aiming to complete tasks during weekends in November⁤ and December. The goal is ‌to have everything checked off your list before Christmas to fully embrace the festive spirit.

Avatar for Bethany James

Bethany James

Dog mom. Independent woman. Lover of life. I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t simply wait around for opportunities to appear, they should be created. Writing is an expression of the soul, so let me share my soul with you!

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